Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Entire Life's Dream (The Airstream Story)

Hi Everyone, it's Josh's wife Jen here... I thought I'd share some images from the 1968 Airstream Manual. I adore these images, and how they illustrate the Airstream way of life.

Here's an excerpt from the Wally Byam Creed, (Founder of Airstream, Inc.) -- "In the Heart of these words is an entire life's dream. To those of you who find in the promise of these words, your promise, I bequeath this creed... my dream belongs to you."

The Airstream Creed:
To keep alive and make real an enduring promise of high adventure and faraway lands...of rediscovering old places and new interests.

To open a whole world of new experiences... a new dimension in enjoyment where travel adventure and good fellowship are your constant companions.

To encourage clubs and rallies that provide an endless source of friendships, travel fun and personal expression.

To lead caravans wherever the four winds blow...over twinkling boulevards, across trackless deserts...to the traveled and untraveled corners of the earth.

To play some part in promoting international goodwill and understanding among the peoples of the world...

To strive endlessly to stir the venturesome spirit that moves you to follow a rainbow to its end...and thus make your travel dreams come true..."

Really quite lovely, don't you think? Enjoy...

Airstreams all around the world...

Airstream Rally -- can you believe how many are pictured?!

Yes, it's true. There are some days that I dream of being this woman...

"The Airstream Story doesn't end here... only the words and the pictures. It is only the beginning for you; the beginning of a more meaningful way of life that will open a whole new world of travel adventure..."


  1. nice. josh and jen, you guys take the coolness cake! i'll definitely check back in! - Jg.

  2. Thanks for sharing that bit of the Wally Byam Creed. Yes, it is lovely and very inspiring. Luvly pics, too. :)

  3. This was incredible! Thank you for taking the time to upload this, what a treat!
